Discover, Locate, Learn: Python's Breadth First Search Demystified.

Breadth First Search use case.

Breadth First search is also called a level order traversal. BFS is an algorithm to traverse the graph level by level. While traversing the algorithm visits all vertices and edges, any node is taken as a root node during traversal starting. For BF search a queue data structure would be used that follows FIFO(First In First Out) principle.

Breadth First Search algorithm.
Breadth First Search meme.

Python Knowledge Base: Make coding great again.
- Updated: 2025-03-12 by Andrey BRATUS, Senior Data Analyst.

    The process organised in such a way that we visit nodes level wise, i e first we complete the top level and then move on to lower levels. The practical example of BFS use case is a chess game engine where we build the game tree from the current position and apply all possible moves to find a win position. Breadth-first search finds a solution node if one exists.

  1. Breadth First Search Python code:

    import collections
    # BFS function
    def bfs(graph, root):
        visited, queue = set(), collections.deque([root])
        while queue:
            # Dequeue a vertex from queue
            vertex = queue.popleft()
            print(str(vertex) + " ", end="")
            # If not visited, mark it as visited, and
            # enqueue it
            for neighbour in graph[vertex]:
                if neighbour not in visited:
    graph = {'0': set(['1', '2']),
              '1': set(['0', '3', '4']),
              '2': set(['0']),
              '3': set(['1']),
              '4': set(['2', '3'])}
    print("BFS Traversal: ")
    bfs(graph, '3')

  3. Breadth First Search code output:

  4. OUT: BFS Traversal:
    3 1 0 4 2

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